There’s no denying that it’s tough to stand out online among the many marketing messages, ads, emails and social media posts. It is perhaps even harder when you first start your business. One way to stand out is to position yourself as an expert, so you don’t blend into the background noise.

Qualifications and certifications will only get you so far, however. Sharing your opinions and experience is what will really get your personal brand noticed.

As an authority in your industry, you can attract better clients, raise your rates and gain access to better opportunities more often. But where do you begin? Here’s how to build up a strong reputation, even if you don’t have an audience yet.

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Networking might sound scary, but it is by far the best way to build and foster relationships, especially if you are new to an area or industry sector. Yes, it’s about showing up and meeting people, but it’s also about making real relationships. Can you share your knowledge and advice to help people in your network if/when needed? Spend time getting to know THEM, their business and ideal clients. Make introductions if you find someone who would be a good fit for their product/service. People in your network will become your champions, confidants and advisers. But they may also become amazing referral partners, who likewise make referrals on your behalf, helping sell you and your products or services when you are not even in the room.


When did you last review your online presence? This includes your website and any platforms you have a profile on. Is the messaging consistent? Are the images up to date and still relevant? Are you posting to your social media profiles consistently? Taking the time to improve your online presence is a simple but powerful way to strengthen your personal brand.

Decide whether your message is still relevant to the kind of audience you want to attract. Are there new products, skills or expertise you can add to your offering? Do your images still reflect your personal brand? If not, it’s time to get to work on updating these elements. Investing in a professional personal branding photography session is highly recommended (obviously!).


Anyone can say they’re the best at what they do, but when you have a third party vouching for your products or services, it’s far more powerful (see networking above!). Getting more media attention is not about purchasing advertising space: it’s about giving people reasons to talk about you. Find ways to create content in different formats that will emphasise your knowledge and expertise, ensuring you give the media something valuable to publish and share.

Try to get public speaking engagements, be it at a networking event, conference or event. Having a space to talk about who you are and what you do, in the spotlight, gives you the chance to showcase your passion and expertise. People connect to you far more when they know about you, both outside of work and in your business.

Enter yourself or your business for an award within your local area or industry. Being a nominee will automatically give you something to share on your socials or with media outlets, and you might even win! Being able to say you are award-winning adds credibility to your expertise.

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While not for everyone, publishing a book can do wonders for your image. It doesn’t need to be a printed book either – eBooks are just as popular, more convenient, and easier to promote. If you do take this route, though, give some serious thought to a topic that will sell and help you stand out as an authority in your sector. Make sure it hasn’t been done before, or if it has, do it better!


Building an impactful personal brand takes time and patience. Getting on board with trends that will quickly fade is not the best way to build long-term success. Instead, focus your efforts on areas that will bring you evergreen traction, such as content that people can reference for years to come. Speak at events, create a video series, consistently engage with your audience on social media – these are the kinds of activities that can help you stand out over the long term.

By taking these suggestions into consideration and applying them to your personal brand, you will soon see how you can make a difference in your sector and be noticed for it.


I know, I know, you’re thinking “OK, Emma, those sound great, I’m in it for the long run, but I need some quick wins … and cash!!”

This might be especially true if you are starting out in your business. Getting clients on board quickly is a must. Here are three tips to help.

worcester photographer, marketing photography, digital marketing photography, brand photography uk, small business photography

While your audience wants to get to know you through your personal brand, they also need to know how you can help them. By highlighting you understand the pain points your audience is experiencing, and then providing them with solid solutions, you instantly win their trust. Using statistics and research to further emphasise your understanding of the world around you also helps. Don’t forget to clearly and consistently promote your expertise across your marketing pillars, to get as much reach as possible.


When you promote your personal brand, find ways to give your audience a bit of FOMO. You don’t need to tell white lies to do this either. Offering freebies for a limited amount of time is one way to make access to your services more appealing. Clients love knowing they’re getting access to something exclusive. Make sure you treat these clients as you would any paying client: provide exceptional customer service and they will shout about your products/services.


The sooner you can start showing customers results, the better. To do this, find ways to give people the value of working with you or purchasing your products – a small taste of what you can do for them in the long run. For example, host a webinar where you can share tips that people can implement right away. Give out free samples of your new or best-selling products. Chances are, at least a percentage of those people will see some results, proving you know what you are doing.

Once you build up authority and a following, don’t forget to stay consistent with your marketing efforts to keep maintaining your expertise.


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